Nemox Gelatissimo: my first ice cream machine with compressor

Himbeer-Sorbet Zubereitung in meiner Nemox Gelatissimo. Alle Eisrezepte auf meiner Seite funktionieren ganz hervorragend mit dieser Eismaschine.
Raspberry sorbet Preparation in my Nemox Gelatissimo. All ice cream recipes on my site work perfectly with this ice cream machine.

When I decided to buy an ice cream maker with compressor quite a few years ago, I did a lot of researched. For days I read reviews on Amazon, but I always wanted to to be insecure about which ice cream machine I should take now. Let's tell it like it is: such an ice machine with compressor costs for a kitchen appliance already a lump of money. How I ended up at the Nemox Gelatissimo* and why I chose this machine, I'll tell you below.

If you're already a pro, just skip to the next paragraph. If, on the other hand, you're wondering what's up with Ice machines with and without compressor and whether such a purchase is worthwhile for you, then I can recommend you my article Buy an ice cream machine: Yes or no recommend. In addition, I have set up a calculation, From when the purchase of an ice cream maker worthwhile.

Why did I want to buy an ice cream machine?

Since my earliest childhood, I love to eat ice cream. I think many of us feel that way. But back in the 90s, my parents had bought a Ice cream machine without compressor* bought. I was already fascinated at the time and regularly made our favorite ice cream Stracciatella. Even today, you can get these ice cream machines for a cheap 30 to 50 euros.

Fast fertiges Stracciatella-Eis, das den Grundstein für meine Faszination zur Eisherstellung in Kindertagen gelegt hat
Homemade Stracciatella ice cream laid the foundation for my childhood fascination with ice cream making.

So in retrospect, it was anything but a good homemade ice cream. It was still delicious. But the cold of the frozen container was never enough to make the ice cream really solid. Let alone the mixer would have managed to scrape the ice cream off fast enough. That means the consistency and creaminess weren't top notch either. But still it was simply beautiful and has always given me great pleasure.

Then I lived for years without an ice machine. About 5 years ago I got the longing to make my own ice cream again. We needed a real ice cream machine.

I didn't want to mess around with any containers again, which then aren't really cold enough after all. My husband thought I was a little bit crazy. He couldn't really understand why I would spend a few hundred euros on such an appliance. But he has now "come to terms" with it and of course benefits from my ice cream experiments. 🙂

Why did I choose the Nemox Gelatissimo?

As I said before. read reviews for days and was not much smarter in the end. I had decided to move in the middle price segment at the beginning. After all, I didn't know at the time if it was all just fond childhood memories and I wouldn't feel like it after a short time. As you can see, the opposite was the case and my passion for ice cream has only grown. My limit at that time was 300 euros.

Collected main points of criticism on various ice cream machines

In reviews of various ice cream machines I read some criticism time and again:

  • the Distance between agitator and vessel is too large
  • the machine is too noisy
  • the Agitator does not have enough poweras the ice mass solidifies
  • it is somewhat fiddly to attach the agitatoras it is placed on the container together with lid

The Distance between the agitator and the tank is generally an important point. Because if this is too large, an ice layer must first build up on which the ice is scraped off. In addition, the temperature transfer from ice to ice mass is worse than from container to ice mass. This means that the freezing process is significantly slower with a larger distance.

Hier sieht man die Eisschicht, die sich bildet, weil ein geringer Abstand zwischen Rührwerk und Behälter vorhanden ist. Nicht dramatisch, aber dennoch ein kleiner Minuspunkt.
Here you can see the layer of ice that forms because there is a small distance between the agitator and the tank. Not dramatic, but still a small minus point.

Is that Agitator at the same time rather weakthen the agitator may become slower and slower towards the end until it stops completely.

Performance of the Nemox Gelatissimo with regard to the main points of criticism

Also the Nemox Gelatissimo* has not only good reviews. But in the end I decided to use this device, because for me the Price-performance ratio represented the best. In addition, the above listed Critical points good to very good from:

  • The agitator allegedly had enough power
  • The volume was okay for most buyers
  • Assembly is very simple, as the agitator is inserted independently of the lid
  • According to the review, the distance between the agitator and the ice container was good, although not optimal. As you can see in the picture above, a justified point of criticism.

Some technical details of the Nemox Gelatissimo

I don't want to go too much into the technical details now. You can find all that on the relevant pages. Information about the current model can be found at the Manufacturer page or with Amazon*.

Here are the main points that might be interesting for you:

  • The Capacity is 1.5 litres (sometimes you read 1.7 liters) and is thus definitely sufficient for a multi-person household.
  • The machine is supplied with two stirring arms supplied. One is slightly smaller and is used with the supplied container. However, there is also a larger agitator that can be used directly with the container built into the machine. I have never tried this myself, as the cleaning seems too time-consuming. But you have the option to leave one type of ice cream in the smaller container, remove it and make a second type of ice cream in the machine itself.
Nemox Gelatissimo mit Zubehör: Messbecher, zwei Rührwerken, der Feststellschraube für das Rührwerk, Eisspatel, Aluminiumbehälter und Deckel (von links nach rechts)
Nemox Gelatissimo with accessories: measuring cup, two stirring arms, the locking screw for the stirrer, ice spatula, aluminum container and lid (from left to right).
  • The Stirring arm can very easily mounted on the agitator and does not have to be laboriously inserted at the same time as the lid, as is the case with some other ice machines.
  • For the Refrigeration line between machine and container must have a Liquid such as alcohol or salt water can be filled in. This can be filled with the supplied Measuring jugs can simply be measured.
  • The Performance is 150 watts and I have never noticed that the machine could not cope with a requirement.
  • The operation is very simple. There is a Button to turn on the cooling (right button) and a Button for the agitator (left button).
  • The ice is usually in 30 minutes ready.
Zusammen gesetzte Nemox Gelatissimo mit Aluminiumbehälter und kleinem Rührarm (ohne Deckel).
Assembled Nemox Gelatissimo with aluminium container and small stirring arm (without lid).

How satisfied am I with my ice cream machine?

Overall, I am very happy with my Nemox Gelatissimo ice cream maker*. All the above points turned out as I expected. Compared to the ice cream maker without compressor from my childhood, this model is luxury. The ice cream freezes quickly and has a very good consistency.

I still like to work with this machine, but in the meantime I was allowed to test other ice cream machines with compressor. My biggest criticism at Nemox Gelatissimo is the Agitator. For one thing. it runs quite slowly. As a result, not much air is really introduced into the ice cream mass and the ice cream is therefore not quite as creamy as it could be. In addition, the shape of the stirring arm is not ideal, so that on the End of the freezing processthat Ice only pushed in a circle and not really mixed together anymore.

Conclusion on Nemox Gelatissimo

The Nemox Gelatissimo* is a solid ice cream machinewho easy to handle is and produces a very good homemade ice cream. However, I would advise more ambitious ice makers to go for more expensive models. For example, to one of the top devices for private households, the Cube 750.

Should you Ice cream recipes for your ice cream maker then you will also find on my blog. Over time, quite a few delicious recipes have accumulated. Feel free to look around further.

Update: my Nemox Gelatissimo ice cream machine runs now status 2022 already for 7 years faithfully and without problems. I am still very satisfied with my choice. Sometimes I am tempted to buy a more expensive device like the Cube 750 or the Musso Lussino* to buy, but can not quite part with my old ice cream maker.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 12. March 2025 um 21:42 . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

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