Springlane ice cream machines at a glance

Verschiedene Eiscreme-Variationen können mit Eismaschinen mit Kompressor hintereinander produziert werden. Heute soll es um die Springlane Eismaschinen gehen.
Different ice cream variations can be produced with ice cream machines with compressor one after the other. Today we will talk about the Springlane ice cream machines.

Springlane has whole 5 ice machines in the offer. It is rather unusual that one company produces so many different ice machines. Through these devices, the company tries to create a wide range of customers cover. In any case, the Springlane ice cream machines always have Very good ratings and also the Customer service is written in capital letters here.

In this article I would like to give you a Overview with a comparison. As far as I get to it, I will look at the Springlane ice cream machines also in detail and present them to you in separate articles.

For the Sprinlane Emma I have already written an article. The Sprinlane Elli is the winner in my comparison of ice machines with compressor for beginners and is briefly presented there.

A tabular overview of the Springlane ice cream machines

Capacity1 liter1.2 liters1.5 litres2 liters2.5 liters
min. Filling quantity0.4 liters0.4 liters0.5 liters0.7 liters0.9 liters
Max. filling quantity0.6 liters0.8 liters1 liter1.3 liters1.6 liters
Portions (min - max)2 – 42 – 53 – 65 – 86 – 10
Pre-cooling function++
Post-cooling function+++++
Shutdown function motor+++++
Filling opening lid++++
Time settingnot possible (stops after 30 minutes)individualindividualindividualindividual
Featurealso yogurt makeralso yogurt maker, different beeps on completion
Material devicePlasticStainless steel, plasticStainless steel, plasticStainless steel, plasticStainless steel, plastic
Material ice bucketAnodized aluminumStainless steelStainless steelStainless steelStainless steel
Dishwasher safe parts++++
Colorwhite/greysilver/whitesilver/white, anthracite/blacksilver/whiteanthracite/black
Control panelRotary knobRotary knob, push buttonsPush buttonsRotary knob, push buttonsTouch display
LC display++++
additional accessories includedIce cream scoop, measuring cup, ice cream spatulaIce cream scoop, measuring cup, ice cream spatulaIce cream scoop, measuring cup, ice cream spatulaIce cream scoop, measuring cup, ice cream spatula
Dimension35,5 x 26 x 22,539 x 26 x 21,540,5 x 28 x 24,542.2 x 28.2 x 27.227.5 x 31.5 x 40.2
Weight7,4 kg9,5 kg10,7 kg12 kg14,3 kg
Performance100 W135 W150 W180 W250 W
(according to Springlane data)
60 dB65 dB50 dB81 dB55 dB
Overview and comparison of Springlane ice cream machines

Which Springlane ice cream maker suits me?

Finally, the Performance, the extras and capacity from left to right in the table. Whether the Price surcharge from one ice cream machine to the next is worth it, is an individual decision.

Springlane Eni

The SPRINGLANE ice cream maker Eni 1 L with self-cooling from € 129.99 * is right for you if you only little space in your kitchen and your Ice consumption not so high is. So if you are a couple or you don't make so much ice cream, this ice cream maker is the best choice for you.

For this it also has no frills and is kept very simple in terms of operation. For example, a time setting is not possible and it does not have a filler opening in the lid.

In addition, the Aluminum ice bucket unlike all other ice machines of the company. Therefore, the container can not be cleaned in the dishwasher.

What is amazing, however, is that the Eni, is the only ice cream machine that, besides the Erika, has a Pre-cooling function has. This is supposed to lead to a creamier ice cream, as the ice cream mass is cooled down faster. However, I doubt whether this function actually has a noticeable effect. The ice cream maker does not have enough cooling power for this.

Eni comes out on top in my comparison for Ice machines with compressor in a good 7th place.

Springlane Elli

The next largest of the Springlane ice cream machines is the SPRINGLANE ice cream maker Elli 1.2 L with self-cooling from € 189.99 * . It is also available for small households thought, but wait with a few Extras on. On the one hand there are in the scope of delivery additional accessories and on the other hand the Controls more sophisticated, so that individual adjustment is possible.

The ice bin is made of Stainless steel and therefore dishwasher safe. The lid has a Filling opening.

It is Test winner in my ice cream maker comparison for beginners. If you have enough space in your kitchen, I would prefer the Elli to the Eni.

Springlane Emma

The SPRINGLANE Ice cream maker Emma 1.5 L with self-cooling from € 229.99 * is the Classics of the Springlane ice cream machines. It is for Medium households thought that a solid and well designed ice cream maker want to have for home.

According to the company, it is the quietest of the 5 ice machines. Otherwise it also has all features and extras of the Elli on.

Due to the somewhat higher price it has the Springlane Emma in fourth place in my ranking calculation and just missed the podium. However, if you don't mind the price difference, you can get a much more powerful ice cream maker for around 50 Euros more.

Springlane Elisa

The SPRINGLANE ice cream maker & yogurt maker Elisa 2.0 from € 249.99 * is for larger households thought and has some Extras on. As an additional function you can use this ice cream maker also yogurt prepare.

For this, according to Springlane's own information, it is the loudest Ice cream maker.

In my ice cream machine comparison, the Elisa will only compete against other ice cream machines in my next article. I'm curious to see which rank it achieves here.

Springlane Erika

Finally, I would like to briefly show you the SPRINGLANE ice cream maker & yogurt maker Erika 2.5 from € 339.99 * introduce. It is for larger households and is more in the realm of more professional ice machines. So it is a good choice for all those who want to feed many people want and very often ice make

The Design is very appealing and due to the cubic shape space-saving. Also with the erica you can Yogurt prepare. The Touch display and the Pre-cooling function are extras that you can expect for the price.

How the Springlane Erika will fare in comparison with other ice cream makers in this price category remains to be seen.

I hope the comparison helps you. If you already have one of the Springlane ice cream makers at home, I would be happy to hear your experiences and feedback in the comments section.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 27. March 2025 um 0:15 . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.


  1. Buenas tardes.
    ¿Me pueden decir si hay en España un servicio técnico autorizado para reparar las heladeras Springlane?

    1. ¡Hola!
      Lamentablemente, no lo sé y no he podido encontrar ninguna información en Internet. Yo me pondría en contacto directamente con el servicio de atención al cliente de Springlane a través del correo electrónico: [email protected]

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