29 gift ideas for ice cream lovers

Are you looking for gift ideas for birthdays or Christmas for an ice cream lover? Or do you want inspiration for your own wish list? Then I have the right suggestions for you here.

From ice cream makers, accessories and ingredients to jewelry, bags and home accessories, from inexpensive to expensive - everything is there.

Some of these ideas can also be implemented at short notice as Last-minute gift get.

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Devices for ice cream production

Ice machines for 1 to 2-person households

With my Evaluation of ice machines for small householdsthese three ice cream makers took the top three places.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 26. March 2025 um 0:04 . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

Ice cream machines for families

If you are looking for a slightly larger ice cream maker with a compressor, then take a look at these appliances. Here, too, I'll show you the Top 3 of my evaluation.

Professional ice cream maker for at home

The Musso Mini is one of the best ice cream makers for the home. You can read about it in a separate article, For whom this ice cream maker is a good choice is. If you have something very special the Musso Lussino Mini is the right ice cream maker for you.

Special ingredients for making ice cream

Gourmet quality vanilla pods

High-quality vanilla pods are the basis for the flavor in the Vanilla Ice Cream or Cashew ice creambut also a variety of baked goods.

Pure pistachio cream

For pistachio ice cream, you either need pistachios that you grind yourself. Unfortunately, you can't get the required degree of fineness with standard household machines. Or you can buy this pure pistachio paste.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 26. March 2025 um 0:01 . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

Ice cream accessories

Double-walled stainless steel bowls

These bowls have the advantage that the ice cream does not melt as quickly. With homemade ice cream, we deliberately avoid the stabilizers used in industrial ice cream. However, this also means that the ice cream melts more quickly when warm. With these bowls, this is a thing of the past.

Double-walled glass bowls

Like the stainless steel bowls, these glass bowls are also ideal for serving ice cream. The fact that the ice cream practically floats in the bowl is a real eye-catcher.

Thermo mug for on the go

If you don't want to miss out on your homemade ice cream at lunch or on the go, you should buy this thermo mug.

Bubble waffle iron

The soft bubble-look wafers can be wonderfully filled with ice cream.

Ice cream cone iron

Making your own ice cream cones takes some practice. But the result is so much better than store-bought ones.

Fine sundaes

I have selected two very high-quality products for you here:

Personalized bowl

A personalized ice cream bowl is an individual gift. Take a look at these two products:

Suggestions for engravings:

  • Name of the person receiving the gift or all family members
  • "Soul food"
  • "Life without ice is possible, but pointless."
  • "Ice cream always works"
  • "A bowl of happiness"
  • "Ice cream is cheaper than therapy"

Popsicle molds

The recipient can use these molds to create their own popsicle variations.

The following recipes, for example, are suitable for the filling:

The somewhat different ice cream

Rolled Ice Cream Machine

Make your own rolled ice cream and have lots of fun with the family. You don't need many ingredients (cream, sweetened condensed milk, various fruits, nuts, etc.) and can be very creative.

Mochi set

Mochis can also be filled with ice cream. They are very easy to make with a little practice. Fun to make with the whole family or friends.

Accessories for the kitchen

Ice cream cookie cutters

Suitable for Christmas Beautiful and fun shapes for cutting out cookies on. Whether popsicles, sundaes or ice cream in a cone, all shapes are represented.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 26. March 2025 um 23:55 . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

Molds for fondant or for crafting

At 3D For example, there are these ice molds, which can be used for Fondant, ice cream, pudding, chocolate as well as for wax or modeling clay are suitable. So there are no limits to the imagination. A really beautiful gift.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 11. January 2025 um 16:46 . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

Gift ideas for the home

Personalized ice shield

Have a personalized sign made to hang up. Trimmed to look old and as a tin sign, it looks very stylish.

Geschenkidee: personalisiertes Eiscreme-Schild
Gift idea: personalized ice cream sign

A I found a vintage-style version on canvas on Etsy* found for you.

Pillow with ice

Cushions with an ice print or even in the shape of ice are ideal for your sofa or bed at home.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 26. March 2025 um 23:52 . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

Wall decoration

Geschenkidee: Eistüten als Wanddekoration
Gift idea: ice cream cones as wall decoration

There are all kinds of artificial ice cream cones for wall decoration:

Ice cream art

A really great piece of work is this Printing on wood from ice cream cones*. If you like pop art, you've found your gift here.

Antique ice cream maker

In order to This ice cream machine is an antique piece*. This rare find looks great in the home. I would prefer a modern ice cream maker for making ice cream.

Door stopper

An Doorstop that looks like a dropped ice cream cone* looks. If that's not original.

Fun and games

Playsand Ice Cream Shop

I think this set is not only suitable for children.


Doing jigsaw puzzles is a wonderful activity. Why not give a nice puzzle with an ice cream theme as a gift?

Clothing and accessories


An ice-shaped handbag is a cool addition to your outfit.

Gift idea: Handbag in ice cream shape

At Etsy you can find handmade and really beautiful handbags that can also be worn for a festive occasion:

You can find more casual bags and a rucksack on Amazon:

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 26. March 2025 um 23:53 . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.


Geschenkidee: Perlenohrringe in Eistütenform
Gift idea: pearl earrings in the shape of an ice cream cone

There is also great jewelry in the shape of ice cream on Etsy. Beautifully shaped beads form the ice cream scoops. You might like these two products:


One with Ice cream cone embroidered tie* is the ideal gift for an ice cream enthusiast.

Hawaiian shirt

An Hawaiian shirt or summer shirt*, beautifully colorful with lots of popsicles and ice cream cones can also be a good Father's Day gift.

Phew, that was just a few ideas. I hope you've found something you like. It's always amazing what's out there 🙂

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