Halloween: spooky dessert ideas

Halloween is just around the corner and what better way to celebrate this spooky season than with some scary beautiful ice cream desserts to celebrate?

Forget the typical candy - this year we're bringing our favorite treats to the Halloween party! I've come up with some spooky inspirations for you that are quite Simply implemented can be.

You can use the Ice cream or sorbet with my recipes make it yourself or quite simply in any supermarket buy.

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Ice eyeballs

Augäpfel mit Heidelbeeren als Iris und Kuchenglasur als Adern sehen nicht nur gruselig aus, sondern schmecken auch gut.
Eyeballs with blueberries as irises and cake icing as veins not only look spooky, but taste good too.




  1. Liquidize the cake glaze according to package instructions.
  2. Form as round as possible balls with the ice cream scoop. To do this, the homemade ice cream should be slightly thawed in the refrigerator beforehand. Purchased ice cream can usually be scooped immediately. Rinse the ice cream scoop with lukewarm water before each scoop.
  3. Pour the lukewarm cake icing over the ice cream scoops so that it looks like veining. Less usually works better than too much. Leave a little space in one spot for the blueberry.
  4. Press the blueberries into the ice cream balls as irises.
  5. If you want, you can add some sauce or cookie crumbs between the ice cream scoops.

Cemetery with gummy worms

Ein Friedhof aus Schokoladen-Eis mit Grabsteinen aus Keksen und Gummi-Würmern, die sich aus der Erde winden.
A cemetery made of chocolate ice cream with tombstones made of cookies and gummy worms wriggling out of the ground.



  • a square baking dish


  1. Fill a baking dish with the ice cream. It is easier to leave the graveyard in the baking dish and serve it there. However, if you want to turn the ice cream onto a plate, line the baking dish with foil and let the ice cream cool in the freezer before turning it out.
  2. Liquidize the cake icing according to package instructions. Write "RIP" (for "Rest in Peace") or something else on the cookies to mark it as a gravestone. You can also use the cake icing to draw other spooky objects such as spider webs, spiders or bats on baking paper.
  3. If you want to turn the ice cream, dip the baking dish briefly in warm water. Turn it out onto a plate and remove the foil. You may have to rework the corners and the edge a little.
  4. Sprinkle the surface of the ice cream with cocoa to make it look like soil.
  5. Decorate the ice cream with the cookies, gummy worms and other edible Halloween decorations if necessary to create a spooky graveyard.
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Green swamp with ghosts

Dem grünen Sumpf aus Matcha-Eis entsteigen zu Halloween zahlreiche Marshmallow-Geister.
Numerous marshmallow ghosts emerge from the green swamp of matcha ice cream for Halloween.



  1. Using the food coloring pencil, paint faces on the marshmallows or foam kisses. Simply three small ovals, as shown in the picture above.
  2. Fill a large bowl with the green ice cream. Either with an ice cream scoop or with a standard tablespoon.
  3. Put the ghosts on the green ice and you're done.

Crackling potion

Ein Zaubertrank aus grünem Eis mit rotem Knisterpulver sieht nicht nur gut aus, sondern macht auch noch Spaß beim Essen. Ein wirklich einfaches aber effektvolles Dessert zu Halloween.
A potion made of green ice cream with red crackling powder not only looks good, but is also fun to eat. A really simple but effective dessert for Halloween.


Note: if green sorbet is not available in the supermarket, are also other color combinations conceivable. For example red sorbet (Strawberry Sorbet or Raspberry sorbet) with Green Pop Rocks.


  1. Arrange ice cream in a pretty glass, goblet or other dessert glass.
  2. Sprinkle crackling powder on top.
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 26. March 2025 um 23:55 . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

Spider from ice

Eine Spinne aus Schoko- und Vanille-Eis mit Beinen aus Lakritzschnüren ist sehr schnell vorbereitet.
A spider made of chocolate and vanilla ice cream with legs made of licorice strings is prepared very quickly.




  1. Fill a sundae with chocolate ice cream
  2. Stick four licorice strings on each side. If you have snails, unroll them first and cut the legs to the appropriate length with scissors.
  3. Place a large scoop of vanilla ice cream on the rim of the sundae.
  4. Place a small scoop of chocolate ice cream in front of the vanilla ice cream and decorate it with sugar pearls to create a face.
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 26. March 2025 um 23:56 . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

These were just a few ideas. I hope there is something that you liked. I wish you in any case a spooky and delicious Halloween party!

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