Ice cream with friends and family: 5 great ideas

In this article, I want to introduce you to some great ideas on how you can use your Enjoyable moments with friends and family that are in any way connected with Ice have to do.

Whether it's summer or winter, these suggestions always fit. So let yourself be surprised and have Fun together.

Who makes the most beautiful mochi ice cream?

Mochi ice cream is not only delicious, but also to make fun of. You can go into the kitchen together and conjure up your own mochi ice cream creations. You will find the things you need for this below.

For the dough

  • Rice flour or mochi set
  • Potato starch for rolling out
  • Optional for coloring the dough: food coloring, cocoa or matcha

For the filling

A wide variety of ice creams are suitable for the filling. You can either buy the ice cream or make it yourself. In the latter case, the ice cream should be well chilled before you process it further.

Some ideas of which ice creams go well in mochi:

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You can find instructions for preparing the dough in the pan and in German on Youtube from yumtamtam. In English and with a microwave version I can offer you the Video from emmymade recommend.

Bubble waffles filled with ice cream

How about a Bubble waffle party? This fluffy waffles are the perfect complement to your favorite ice cream. The following items are necessary or will make your party a very special experience:

  • Bubble waffle iron
  • Ice cream in various flavors (homemade or store-bought)
  • Crumble, cream, sauces and toppings
  • Waffle cups to serve your creations

Let your Give free rein to creativity and decorate your bubble waffles with anything you can think of! The perfect opportunity to enjoy ice cream with friends and family.

Movie night with friends and ice cream finger food

An Movie night is always a great idea, but how about spicing up movie night with homemade ice cream confections and ice cream sandwiches?

Matching recipes:

You can make your own ice cream confectionery creations with the various types of ice cream produce. There are also no limits when it comes to ice cream sandwiches. For example, I simply topped the waffles with this delicious Hazelnut ice cream filled and covered with chocolate.

Your next movie night will be something very special!

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Ice cream party with blind tasting

Jede Menge Spaß verspricht eine Blindverkostung von Eis mit euren Freunden.
A blind ice cream tasting with your friends promises lots of fun.

Why not organize an ice cream party with a blind tasting? Challenge your friends and family, taste and guess different types of ice creamwhich flavor it is.

More unusual recipes are:

It's sure to be an entertaining and delicious evening!

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 27. March 2025 um 0:02 . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

Show creativity with Rolled Ice Cream

Another exciting way to have fun with your friends is to prepare meals together. Rolled Ice Cream. You can get really creative here.

An Basic recipe and further information about this special ice cream can also be found on my blog.

Here's what you need:

Let everyone have their own Rolled ice cream creation and look forward to the different flavors and designs that will be created. It's not only delicious, but also a visual experience!

If you more than two people, the use of a self-cooling device is recommended. The disadvantage of the plate is that you only get out a few portions and there are always waiting times to cool them down accordingly.

I hope you enjoy trying out these ideas. Feel free to write in the comments what great things you have experienced!

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