Your ice cream wish becomes reality: share your ideas!

Welcome to the ice cream recipes and ice cream maker blog, the little corner of the internet dedicated to the love of ice cream. As you know, I'm crazy about anything cold and creamy.
But today it's not about what I love, it's about you! So I want to know: What is your favorite flavor?
Imagine you could create any ice cream flavor in the world. No limits, no rules. Whether it's a yogurt ice cream or perhaps a combination of lavender and honey - if you dream about it, I want to hear about it!
Or you have been looking for a recipe for your favorite ice cream flavor for a long time. Just let me know and I'll see if I can help you.
Here is the deal: Write in the comment below your tastiest, strangest or simply favorite ice cream ideas. Think of the wildest combinations or flavors that remind you of beautiful moments.
Your favorite cake? Could be ice cream. The flavors of your favorite vacation destination? Let's conjure up an ice cream! Have you eaten an ice cream somewhere that knocked your socks off? I'll do my best to recreate it.
I will select some of the ideas submitted and develop recipes from them. Then I'll present them on this blog so that you can try them out at home. Who knows, maybe we'll discover the next great ice cream flavor together!
So, let your creativity run wild. Write your ideas in the comments and tell me why you chose this particular ice cream flavor. I can hardly wait to read what you come up with.
If you still have a great Names for your ice cream creation you will find at Ice Cream Name Generator Inspirations. The following suggestions were made for a basil ice cream with watermelon:
- Watermelon Garden Delight
- Sweet Summer Herb
- Melon Basil Blast
If you ask me, that doesn't sound bad at all 🙂
Look forward to an ice adventure!
Hello, I would love to know how to make creamy vegan dark chocolate ice cream. I would also be interested in the recipe for pistachio ice cream. Kind regards
Hello Flora,
Thank you very much for your ideas and requests. A vegan dark chocolate ice cream sounds great. I can understand that the creaminess could be a problem here. But I'll do my best! The recipe for pistachio ice cream has been on my list for a long time. I'll tackle it soon and share it with you.
Keep checking back over the next few weeks 🙂
Kind regards back
Hello Flora,
the Pistachio ice cream is online. I hope you like it 😀
The vegan dark chocolate ice cream is currently still being tested and is behaving rather stubbornly.
Kind regards
I once ate a pina colada ice cream. It was delicious. Could you make a recipe for it?
Great site by the way!
Hello Sabine,
That sounds interesting. I'll add it to the list.
Thank you very much for the praise 😀
Kind regards
The Pina colada ice cream is now online.
I hope it tastes the way you imagined it.
Kind regards
I think cola ice cream would be exciting - especially now in summer. Or popsicles in different color combinations ("flags") for the European Championships...
Hello Volker,
thanks for your suggestions! 😀 The flag idea is great. I'll have to think about it right away.
Kind regards
Hello Volker,
Unfortunately, I didn't make it to the European Championships. But hopefully I'll have the flag together by the next World Cup. 😉
At least I have already seen the "gold" in the form of a Capri ice cream developed. I'm currently working on Coke. 🙂
Hola Eismacherin, queria saber si es posible me indicaras los ingredientes para un helado de "Dulce de Leche" (muy conocido en Argentina) he buscado en youtube y la verdad no me convencio ninguna receta y dorma de elaborar.
Desde ya agradezco por tu tiempo.
Saludos Cordiales!
¡Hola Juan Carlos! El helado de dulce de leche suena muy rico.
Lamentablemente, no tengo tiempo de probarlo en este momento.
Yo empezaría con una receta básica a base de helado de caramelo. Si quieres probarlo tú mismo, puedes encontrar los ingredientes más abajo.
El dulce de leche contiene mucho azúcar, por lo que no hay mucho espacio para los demás ingredientes sin que el sabor típico resulte demasiado débil. En cuanto encuentre tiempo, elaboraré la receta.
460 g de leche
205 g de nata
325 g de dulce de leche
2 g de goma garrofín
5 g de sal (optional)
¡Diviértete haciendo helado!
Hola! Nuevamente yo, ayer prepare el helado de dulce de leche con la receta que me indicaron, la cremosidad obtenida fue perfecta, el gusto a dulce de leche apareció en mi paladar a último momento de cada bocado, he leido que el % de dulce de leche respecto de la suma de los ingredientes sólidos debe ser entre 30% al 35%, en la receta preparada llegaba al 32%, voy a aumentar el contenido de dulce para llegar al 35% y ver que pasa.
Gracias nuevamente por todo su apoyo.
Saludos Cordiales!
can you please conjure up an ice cream that has the flavor of Snickers, i.e. caramel, nuts and nougat?
Kind regards Simone
Hello Simone,
That sounds good. I'll think about something 🙂