Blueberry ice cream easy to make yourself

Mein Rezept für Heidelbeer-Eis oder Blaubeer-Eis ist ein Milch-Eis mit sehr viel Fruchtanteil.
My recipe for blueberry ice cream or blueberry ice cream is a dairy ice cream with a lot of fruit.

Blueberry ice cream or blueberry ice cream impresses with its unmistakable deep purple color. The small Vitamin bombs are in season right now. But even outside the harvest season, you can find good alternatives in the frozen food section of the supermarket.

This recipe is a fruity milk icethat does without egg and is still creamy.

Who is looking for a Recipe without milk or a vegan recipe ...who's going to be at the Blueberry sorbet or at my Recipe for vegan blueberry ice cream with coconut yogurt found.

Ingredients blueberry ice cream

4 portions

Preparation blueberry ice cream

  • Heat all ingredients except the blueberries and lemon juice together in a saucepan, stirring until just before boiling.
Alle Zutaten bis auf die Heidelbeeren und den Zitronensaft werden zusammen in einen Topf gegeben.
Put all the ingredients except the blueberries and lemon juice together in a saucepan.
  • Hold at this temperature for 5 minutes while stirring.
  • Allow the milk ice cream mixture to cool to lukewarm.
  • Add the blueberries and blend well with a hand blender or stand mixer.
  • If you want a very fine ice cream without pieces of fruit, pass the ice cream mixture through a sieve or Strainer*.
  • Depending on the type of blueberry, add about 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and mix well. It is best to approach carefully with the amount of lemon juice and taste again and again until the blueberry ice cream mass is somewhat acidic. Remember that it is normal for the unfrozen ice cream mixture to taste a little too sweet.
Durch den Zitronensaft ändert sich die Farbe der Heidelbeer-Eismasse von dunkelviolett zu einem helleren Ton.
The lemon juice changes the color of the blueberry ice cream mixture from dark purple to a lighter shade.
  • As far as possible, leave to infuse in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Otherwise, process after cooling.

The ice cream machine prepare and pre-cool for a few minutes, depending on the model. Switch on the mixer and pour in the blueberry ice cream mixture (duration approx. 30 minutes).

Fertiges Heidelbeer-Eis nach dem Gefriergang in der Eismaschine.
Ready blueberry ice cream after freezing in the ice cream maker.

Alternative Ice in the freezer produce and mix well every 30 minutes with a hand mixer (total time about 4 hours).

If your freezer is very cold, the ice cream will harden over time. Then let it thaw in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes before eating.

Eine Kugel leckeres Heidelbeer-Eis auf Granatapfelkernen.
A scoop of delicious blueberry ice cream on pomegranate seeds.

Worth knowing and tips

  • The intense blue colour of blueberries comes from the pigment myrtillin, which belongs to the Anthocyanins heard. These secondary plant compounds are said to have an anti-inflammatory effect, slow down the aging process and can also prevent cancer. 
  • Depending on the sweetness of the blueberries, the ice cream mixture should be added more or less Lemon juice Add. Be sure to add the lemon juice only after the ice cream mass has cooled to add. Otherwise, the milk curdles and the ice cream is then unfortunately no longer salvageable.
  • With self picked blueberries you are guaranteed the maximum freshness. Either you are lucky enough to be able to pick in your own garden or visit a berry plantation. During the season (about June to August) there are in every Supermarket To buy blueberries. Also the fruits from the Freezer usually have a very good quality.
  • Since blueberries hardly ripenyou should pay attention to it, fully ripe fruits to use. The color is then deep purple. Fruits with light purple or slightly greenish spots should not be used. However, picked blueberries can be kept only a few days and should be stored on a cool place must be kept.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 23. February 2025 um 19:33 . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

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