Make your own blueberry sorbet

Whether you call them blueberries or Blueberries names is actually one thing. They are small, dark blue and healthy, because they contain lots of Nutrients. All the better if you can then enjoy the little powerhouses as ice cream. As blueberry sorbet, the taste of this berry is much more intense than other processing.

Heidelbeersorbet, angerichtet mit Blaubeeren
Blueberry sorbet arranged with blueberries

Ingredients Blueberry sorbet

For 4 servings

500 g blueberries
100 g water (alternatively white wine)
40 g lime juice (approx. ½ lime)
10 g sugar
30 g Dextrose* (dextrose)
1 pinch of salt

Preparation blueberry sorbet

The preparation, as with all sorbets, is very simple and can be done in less than 15 minutes:

  • Put all the ingredients except the blueberries in a saucepan and heat gently until the sugar is dissolved. Allow the syrup to cool.
  • Wash the blueberries thoroughly and put them in a blender with the syrup and puree.
  • The mixture is cooled in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Then put the mixture into the ice cream maker or alternatively mix well with a fork in the freezer every 30 minutes (about 4 hours). With the latter variant, the ice cream can be briefly put into the mixer again before serving.

If the ice cream has been in the freezer longer, it will become very hard. Then you should let it thaw for about 15 minutes in the refrigerator before serving.

Heidelbeersorbet in der Eismaschine
Blueberry sorbet in the ice cream machine
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Things to know about blueberries

  • Blueberries - or also called blueberries - have from the end of June until September season. When buying should make sure that the Berries plump and not look shriveled. Alternatively there are also frozen blueberries on offer, mostly also in organic quality.
  • As always with fruit, you should pay attention to the quality. Cheap berries on sale are usually contaminated with pesticides. With Organic quality you are on the safe side. Alternatively, you can also pick yourself. In addition to the well-known strawberry fields, there are also more and more blueberry plantations for self-picking.
  • Blueberries are healthy. Besides the nutrients, the reason is also the natural coloring of the berries. The intense blue color of blueberries comes from the Dye myrtillinwhich belongs to the anthocyanins. These secondary plant substances are said to have an anti-inflammatory effect and can slow down the aging process. A certain cancer prophylaxis is also attributed to this group of substances. Finally, one more reason to enjoy this ice cream regularly.

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