Frozen yogurt recipe from Greek yogurt

Frozen Joghurt aus griechischem Joghurt mit Früchten und Schokoladen-Sauce auf karamellisierten Nüssen
Frozen yogurt made from Greek yogurt with fruit and Chocolate sauce at caramelized nuts

This ice cream is quite simple Greek yogurt is an almost optimal ice cream base in terms of composition. In addition, it is very rapidly and can also be prepared without any problems in Freezer can be produced.

Greek yoghurt has once again significantly more consistency and fat (about 10%) than conventional yogurt with about 3%. This is due to the fact that it is very much longer dripping may. This means that it contains less water or whey, but more of all other ingredients. This makes the ice cream again significantly creamier.

But do not worry about the higher fat and calorie content. Greek yogurt ice cream also saturates significantly better than other types of ice cream. Which means you eat less of it.

Ingredients for Greek frozen yogurt

3 portions

Preparation in only 2 quick steps

It couldn't be simpler: mix all the ingredients together thoroughly for a few minutes on high speed with a hand mixer or hand blender.

Der griechische Joghurt mit Honig und den anderen Zutaten kurz vor dem Mixen.
The Greek yoghurt with honey and the other ingredients just before mixing.

Pour the mixture into the precooled ice cream machine and allow to set (duration approx. 20 minutes).

Alternatively in Freezer mix vigorously every 30 minutes with a hand mixer. This takes about 3 hours depending on the quantity. You can also before the last mixing, the already almost ready frozen ice cream in ramekins give and then solidify (see. Tips).


  • The ice cream is best eaten the same day residually or always made fresh, because it will be in the freezer very hard over time. If you have kept the ice cream in the freezer longer, then for approx. Thaw for 30 minutes in the refrigerator and stir or mix well once again. Do not mix too long, otherwise the ice cream will become liquid again.
  • The honey can be used to add different flavours to frozen yoghurt. I prefer a light, bright honey like Acacia honey*. If you like it a little more intense, then you can also very good Forest honey* use.
  • I was in a Muffin tin Frozen yoghurt from Greek yoghurt layered with fruit and frozen. Then you can prepare the plates for serving in peace and quickly arrange the individual ice cream cakes.

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 23. February 2025 um 19:33 . Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

Toppings for frozen yogurt

Here are some inspirations on how to decorate your Greek yogurt frozen yogurt:

  • Fresh fruits of the season (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, johnberries, mango, pineapple, kiwi, bananas, etc.)
  • Fruit sauces (can also be easily homemade: Puree fruit with a little powdered sugar or granulated sugar, add a dash of lime juice if desired). A recipe for a quick Strawberry sauce you'll find at my place as well.
  • Chocolate sauce
  • Caramel sauce or Peanut Caramel Sauce
Verschiedene Toppings für Frozen Joghurt
Various toppings for frozen yogurt

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