Ice base for milk ice: substitute for egg yolk in ice

Die Eisbasis sieht ziemlich unspektakulär aus, verleiht unserem Eis jedoch eine wunderbare Textur auch ohne Ei.
The ice base looks rather unspectacular, but gives our ice cream a wonderful texture even without an egg.

The ice cream base gives our ice cream a beautiful, creamy texture and makes it possible to To refrain from adding raw egg yolk. Otherwise, when eggs are used, a pasteurization step is necessary to minimize the risk of salmonella poisoning. There are many good reasons to make ice cream yourself and get a To buy ice cream machine. With the ice cream base you have an easy way to make milk ice cream itself.

Even if some of the ingredients listed sound unusual at first, all components except the skim milk powder are to various sugars and vegetable substances. An explanation is further below. Should you want to read even more information about ice cream making, I have the Basics in an introduction put together.

I have linked you below which products you can buy. If you want to buy a larger stock and want to know more about the individual ingredients, check out my article "Ingredients for ice cream" over.

Ingredients for the ice cream base


Even though it's not a great art, here's a little tutorial on how to make the ice cream base:

  • Weigh out all ingredients. In particular, the small amounts of locust bean gum and guar gum should be weighed out as accurately as possible. For this purpose a Fine balance* advantageous.
  • Place in an airtight container and shake vigorously to mix well.

50 g of ice cream base are needed for 500 g of ice cream.

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What are these substances in the ice cream base and what are they doing in my ice cream?


Inulin is a mixture of different sugar building blocks and is often used as a prebiotic additive. This means that it is indigestible but has a positive effect on the intestinal flora. It is found in various plants, e.g. in chicory or Jerusalem artichoke. Inulin does not affect the sugar level, so it is also suitable for diabetics.

Inulin allows us to save a certain amount of fat and sugar.

Inulin ist beispielsweise in Chicoree enthalten.
For example, inulin is contained in chicory.

Skimmed milk powder

Skim milk powder is dehydrated milk. This makes it very easy to increase the dry matter in the ice cream. This changes the texture and makes the ice cream creamier.


Dextrose, or glucose, is a naturally occurring carbohydrate. It leads to an improvement of the ice cream structure and at the same time has a lower sweetening power than normal household sugar.

Locust bean gum

This is made from the ground seeds of the carob tree. It is a natural stabilizer and emulsifier. Locust bean gum prevents the formation of large ice crystals. There is an E number for it (E410). However, one should not be unsettled by this, because it is approved without restriction for organic products.

Guar gum

It acts quite similarly to johaniss bread flour and is a natural thickener and emulsifier. Guar gum is obtained from the seeds of the guar bean. It also has an E number (E412) and is approved for organic products.

Tips for the ice base

  • Before each use, the powder must be shaken well to obtain a uniform result.
  • Dextrose can be bought in every major supermarket and is usually on the shelf next to sugar. However, it is often mixed with vitamins.
  • Inulin, skimmed milk powder, locust bean gum and guar gum are now available in well-stocked health food stores or organic supermarkets. Alternatively, the individual components can also be ordered from Amazon or online stores for baking ingredients.
Ein schönes cremiges Vanille-Eis, das mit der Eisbasis hergestellt wurde.
A nice creamy Vanilla Ice Creamthat was made with the ice base.


  1. Hello,
    thank you very much for this interesting and informative site and the ice base!
    Since I am on a low carb diet, I would now like to replace the dextrose with xylitol powdered sugar. Is this possible and if so, could it be done 1 to 1?
    Many greetings,

  2. Hello,
    some time ago I had asked if the dextrose can be replaced with xylitol powdered sugar. I just tried this and it works great! I tried your vanilla ice cream recipe and it is sooo delicious and creamy and creamy! I have added chocolate chips for my child 😉
    Many thanks for these great recipes and greetings from Berlin,

    1. Hello, Masya,

      thank you very much for your feedback and comments. I am very sorry that I am only now answering. I'm still a little WordPress freshman but I missed your comments. In the future this will not happen again. 😉

      This is a great tip with the xylitol for those who want to reduce sugar. I have also tested ice cream recipes with xylitol instead of sugar, but they did not really convince me. But I have not really tried to change the ice cream base. I will definitely test that. Thank you very much for this suggestion and many greetings to Berlin.

  3. I have added to my milk ice cream i.e. 500ml milk 4,6% raw milk taken from the farm then 400ml cream 5 tablespoons sugar 10g dry egg
    3 spoons of banana flavour the whole on the stove on 60c heated up approx. 10min.
    Then taken off and a pinch of salt underneath
    And then I put it into my pre-cooled UNOLD ice machine.
    A dream

  4. Hello dear ice cream maker,

    I have a question about the ice base.
    I can't tolerate inulin.
    Can I replace the inulin?

    Many greetings,

    1. Hello Silvia,

      if you do not tolerate inulin, try replacing the amount of inulin with skim milk powder. This of course makes a difference that I have not tested myself, but should also work well. I'd be happy to hear from you again when you've tried it. Then others with the same problem might benefit from it too 🙂 .

      Kind regards

  5. Dear Ice Cream Maker,

    Thank you very much for the valuable advice.
    Could the ice cream base for milk ice cream also be converted for sorbet to get a creamy texture.
    What would then be used to replace the skim milk powder? Perhaps with dried glucose?

    Many greetings

    1. Hello Martin,

      the ice cream base for sorbet has a slightly different structure and is not quite as universally applicable as the ice cream base for milk ice cream. But I will publish the recipe and instructions the days, then you can test them with pleasure.

      Kind regards

  6. Hello Ice Cream Maker,
    I would like to know if this basic mixture is usable for all ice cream, so also for eg After Eight ice cream or nut ice cream and how I can vary the Mischungsvrhältnis dan with other recipes?
    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards, Dirk

    1. Hello Dirk,

      the ice cream base is unfortunately not a panacea and works best with flavored milk ice cream, so for example, vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom . An example would be the Recipe for vanilla ice cream. I have since moved to balancing each recipe individually.

      Nut ice cream is particularly difficult, as it becomes very solid by nature. Look at the Hazelnut ice cream recipe in comment. Since I have an adapted variant for this ice cream with the ice cream base worked out. This could also be used for other types of nut ice cream. Nevertheless, nut ice cream will always be quite solid.

      For after-eight ice cream, the ice cream base should actually work quite well. You'll probably have to be a little careful with the sweetness and test it to find the right mixing ratio. Orient yourself to the fact that the not yet frozen ice cream mass should always taste a tad too sweet.

      For difficult ice cream varieties you could additionally use it with Glycerin try. This is very likely to result in a creamy ice cream.

      I hope this helps you.

      Kind regards,

      the ice-maker

  7. Dear ice cream maker, I have older books with ice cream recipes that mainly use eggs. But I don't want that. Is there a rule of thumb for how much of your ice cream base replaces an egg yolk?
    A dear greeting, Diana

    1. Dear Diana,

      I can fully understand your aversion to eggs. Although I have to say that I've since overcome this. It's just a bit time-consuming if you want to do it right.

      The ice cream base doesn't so much refer to how much egg is actually in a recipe, but how large the amount of ice cream mixture is. I would first try omitting the egg and then using 50g of ice cream base per 500g of ice cream mixture. Depending on the recipe, this may work more or less well. What recipes do you have, for example? Maybe I can take a closer look at one and help you with a more specific recipe.

      Kind regards back

      1. First of all, thank you for your answer. As I've already had a problem with salmonella, I don't use raw eggs any more. But I will give it a try with the 50g ice cream base per 500g. It's a bit of arithmetic but I'll get it right.
        Greetings, Diana

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