Make your own vanilla sauce from 5 ingredients
Vanilla sauce is a nice Topping for the most diverse types of ice cream. It goes well with Chocolate ice cream, but also fruit varieties like Cherry Ice Cream or Strawberry ice cream. In the cold season also very tasty with waffles, booklets, yeast dumplings or apple strudel.
So that the sauce can be stored longer and there is no risk of salmonella, this is a Recipe without egg.
It's in only 10 minutes prepared and can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 week in any case, if you have worked cleanly.
Ingredients vanilla sauce
6 portions
- 300 g milk
- 300 g cream
- 40 g sugar or cane sugar*
- 20 g cornstarch
- 1/4 vanilla pod*
Preparation time approx. 10 minutes
- Mix the starch with a few spoonfuls of cold milk in a bowl until completely dissolved without lumps.
- Heat the remaining milk in a pot with the sugar.
- Add the pulp of the vanilla bean and the bean itself and continue to heat, stirring, until just before boiling.
- Remove the pot from the plate.
- Whisk in the starch dissolved in milk.
- Return the pot to the heat and bring to a boil, stirring once.
- Allow the sauce to cool a little and meanwhile shake the cream well (the container should be tight or not yet open for this) or froth the cream with a milk frother. Alternatively, this step can also be omitted.
- Add the appropriate amount of cream to the saucepan with the milk-vanilla mixture and stir well. If lumps form, heat again while stirring.
The sauce serve immediately or else warm in a clean container and store in the refrigerator.
Tips Vanilla Sauce
- Why you should only use real vanilla and everything you need to know you can read in my Articles about vanilla and vanillin read up.
- First, cut the vanilla bean lengthwise with a sharp knife. Make sure that you do not cut it completely, but only the outer wall. Then scrape out the vanilla pulp with a spoon handle (see picture below).

- If you are missing the yellowish hue of the egg version, you can add a pinch of turmeric. Or you can use brown sugar, e.g. Raw cane sugar*. This results in a light beige shade.
- Simply leave the vanilla pod in the vanilla sauce. This way it releases even more flavour. With time, the vanilla taste becomes more and more intense.
More Sauces that are quick and easy from a few ingredients can be made yourself, you will also find on my site, including various Caramel sauces, Chocolate sauce or Strawberry sauce.
I especially like vanilla sauce with Peach ice cream or Cassis ice cream.
Just tried it, without cream. Super tasty and quick. Maybe I'll add cream tomorrow, we'll see
Hello Eva-Maria,
Thank you very much for your positive feedback 🙂
Definitely try it with cream. I think it makes it even creamier.