Mulled wine ice cream: refined but easy to make

Mulled wine ice cream sounds unusual at first. But at Christmastime you can enjoy mulled wine not only hot or as candy - also Cold as ice it is a great dessert. Then the contrast is the other way around: sitting in the warm enjoying a cold mulled wine ice cream. A very nice idea as a conclusion for a Christmas or New Year's Eve menu.
The preparation method is really quite simple and is called Granita. The ice mass is placed in the Freezer and stirred through with a fork at the end. The intention is to create larger ice crystals, so use a fork and not a whisk or hand mixer.
If you use store-bought mulled wine, it really is one of the easiest desserts ever. You just have to allow time for the freezing process of about 3 hours. In the preparation it takes with purchased mulled wine only 10 minutes and with self made approx. 30 minutes.
A little warning beforehand: the ice cream tastes very high percentage. If you do not like strong alcohol, you should rather not try this ice cream.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to make the same recipe simply with children's mulled wine, because the Alcohol is responsible for the simple production. Unless you would use much more sugar. But I have not tested that yet.
Ingredients mulled wine ice cream
4 portions
With purchased mulled wine
- 500 ml ready mulled wine
- 30-50 g brown sugar
With homemade mulled wine
- 500 ml red wine (see Tips)
- 100 ml orange juice
- 1 Msp orange peel rub
- 80 ml black currant juice
- 125 g brown sugar
- 3 tablespoons of rum
- 1 stick of cinnamon
- 3 cloves
- 1 star anise
With purchased mulled wine
- Warm the mulled wine with the brown sugar slightly, but do not boil. Stir until the sugar is dissolved.
- Best only start with 30 g sugar and, depending on the sweetness of the purchased mulled wine, add more sugar if necessary. When warm, the finished ice cream mass should taste slightly too sweet, as cold foods are always perceived as less sweet. This is generally a good approach when you want to know whether an ice cream mass contains enough sugar.
With homemade mulled wine
- Heat the wine with the juices, orange zest, cinnamon, cloves and star anise, stirring but not boiling. Leave to infuse for about 10 minutes with a little heat.
- Add sugar and rum. Heat while stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.
- Allow the ice cream mixture to cool.
- Before the freezer step, strain the spices with a sieve.
Further procedure with both variants
- Pour the cooled ice cream mixture into a container. Preferably a shallow bowl with a large bottom surface.
- Place the container in a freezer and after about 3 hours. stir the ice cream mixture with a fork. You can also leave the ice cream overnight or until you want to serve it.

The Bowls or jars, in which the mulled wine ice cream is served, should be previously well cooled as the ice melts very quickly.
Tips for making mulled wine ice cream
- Meanwhile, there are already very good ready-made mulled wine in bottles to buy. Those who value it can also find offers in Organic quality (e.g. this here).
- If you make the mulled wine yourself, for example, offer the following Red Wines on: Dornfelder, Zweigelt, Merlot or Pinot Noir.
- The more alcohol the mulled wine contains, the longer the freezing process lasts and the finer the ice crystals become. Therefore, do not overdo it with the rum, otherwise you will wait forever until the ice cream mass freezes.
- Should you have a larger quantity want to make mulled wine ice cream, the preparation takes a little longer. Unless you use a Formwhich is a very large floor space has, so that the freezing process goes faster. For example, you can use a baking dish.

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