Raspberry sorbet: in four easy steps

Ein leckeres, fruchtiges Himbeer-Sorbet dekoriert mit Minze.
A delicious, fruity raspberry sorbet decorated with mint.

The recipe for raspberry sorbet was one of my first posts. Time to update the recipe and incorporate the findings of recent years. So here is the Improved recipeso that it comes out of the freezer even creamier.

Raspberry sorbet not only looks great with its bright red color, it also tastes fantastic. And the best thing about it? You only need a little time to make this delicious dessert yourself.

Raspberries are actually cooked no real berries, but of course that doesn't detract from the flavor of this fruity, vegan raspberry sorbet.

There are also yellow and black cultivars, which, like the red berries for Sorbet can be used. This certainly creates a fun effect. Alternatively, you can also use frozen fruit if it's not in season.

Ingredients and instructions

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Raspberry sorbet

Refreshing fruit sorbet for the summer or to round off a meal.
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Vorbereitung 20 minutes
Reifezeit 1 hour
Freezing time40 minutes
Total Time 2 hours
Servings 1000 gram



Liquid ingredients

  • 450 g Raspberries
  • 250 g Water
  • 36 g Lemon juice

Dry ingredients


Preparing the ice cream mixture

  • Put the water and sugar in a pan and heat both while stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Remove the pan from the heat.
    250 g water, 175 g cane sugar
  • Weigh the remaining dry ingredients. Small quantities should be weighed out using a fine scale. If any of the ingredients have become lumpy, pass them through a sieve.
    63 g dextrose, 50 g dry glucose, 0.5 g locust bean gum, 0.5 g guar gum
  • Mix the dry ingredients well.
  • Add the dry ingredients to the sugar syrup in the pan, stirring constantly.
  • Wash the raspberries and puree them with the lemon juice. If you want a sorbet without seeds, pass the puree through a sieve.
    450 g raspberries, 36 g lemon juice
  • Add the raspberry puree to the pot and mix everything well.
  • Leave the ice cream mixture to mature in the fridge for approx. 1 hour.

Freezing process

  • Switch on the ice cream maker and leave it to cool for a few minutes.
  • Meanwhile, beat the ice cream mixture well again with a mixer and then start the freezing process.


Alternatively, you can also make the ice cream without ice cream maker in the freezer perform (total time about 4 hours).
If the ice cream has been in the freezer for longer, leave to thaw in the fridge for about 20 minutes before eating.
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Things to know about raspberry sorbet

Frische Himbeeren erkennt man an der intensiv roten Färbung.

Fresh raspberries can be recognized by their intense red colour.
  • Depending on the variety, raspberries have several times a year Season. There are summer raspberries From June, Autumn raspberries From August and then varieties that ripen twice at the above times.
  • The berries as possible buy fresh or in a plantation pick yourself. Alternatively you can also frozen raspberries which are also already available for purchase in organic quality.
  • Raspberries do not ripen. Therefore, when buying or picking on very ripe fruits respect.
  • Ripe berries can be recognized by the intense coloring. If you pick them yourself, they should come off the bush easily.
  • The fresh raspberries as possible Cool quickly. To do this, place the berries in the lowest compartment on the glass plate. There it is coolest in the refrigerator.

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