Strawberry sorbet easy to prepare

Who does not love strawberry sorbet? When in early May, the first strawberries are ripe and you see the red fruits after the cold season, you know that summer is not far. The fruity taste and lightness of a Sorbets make this variety one of the most popular desserts.

A recipe for a creamy strawberry ice cream with milk can also be found on my blog.

Erdbeersorbet angerichtet mit Minzblatt
Strawberry sorbet arranged with mint leaf

Ingredients for strawberry sorbet

2 portions

  • 250 g strawberries
  • 50 g water
  • 20 g lime juice
  • 50 g sugar
  • 15 g Dextrose*
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Optional: 1 tsp Grenadine syrup*


  • Put all the ingredients except the strawberries in a saucepan and heat gently until everything is dissolved. Allow the syrup to cool.
  • Meanwhile, wash the strawberries, remove the stems and cut into pieces.
  • Put strawberries and syrup together in a blender and puree.
  • Leave to cool in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

If you don't like the seeds, strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve. Put the liquid into the ice cream maker or alternatively mix well with a fork in the freezer every 30 minutes (approx. 4 hours). With the latter variant, the ice cream can be briefly put into the blender again before serving.

If the ice cream has been in the freezer longer, it will become very hard. Then let it thaw in the refrigerator for 15 minutes before serving.

Strawberry sorbet in the ice cream machine
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Interesting facts about strawberries

There is nothing like the taste of fresh strawberries. Therefore, you should buy regionally if possible or pick the berries yourself in a strawberry field. In addition, organic quality is very important for berries, because the whole fruit is eaten and the pesticides are particularly concentrated on the surface.

The numerous vitamins and secondary plant substances contained in strawberries suffer from long transport times. One should therefore prefer strawberries from the local region.

Erdbeeren, Heidelbeeren und Himbeeren beim Waschen
Strawberries, blueberries and raspberries during washing

Tips strawberry sorbet

  • Strawberries are very pressure sensitive and easily perishable. After transport best loosely spread in the Refrigerator vegetable compartment store and consume within 2 days.
  • Before eating or processing the strawberries to wash briefly in cold water dip. Then carefully pat dry, and only then remove the stalk and leaves.


  1. Thanks for the recipe. Is the absence of the other ingredients (inulin, gum stabilizers) you mention elsewhere to make this more accessible or you don't consider necessary?

    1. Dear Sam,

      Thank you for bringing up such a pertinent question. This particular recipe holds a special place as one of the originals in my collection, and admittedly, it's due for an update which I have yet to publish.

      With sorbet, the use of other ingredients is not quite as critical as with dairy ice cream. That being said, incorporating elements like inulin and guar gum can indeed elevate the texture of sorbet significantly.

      Should you be inclined to experiment on your own, I encourage you to use the sorbet base which pairs well with strawberries. It can also serve as a foundational guide to inspire and develop your own recipe.

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