Champagne sorbet: 4 simple steps

Elegantes Champagner-Sorbet für festliche Anlässe.
Elegant champagne sorbet for festive occasions.

Today I have another special recipe for you: homemade Champagne sorbet. A perfect dessert for New Year's Eve and Christmas partiesbut also for other festive occasions.

It is not only incredibly tasty, but also super easy to make. In just 10 minutes and 4 simple steps it is prepared.


For 4 servings
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Freezing time: 30 minutes (ice cream machine), about 4 hours (freezer method).

Preparation of champagne sorbet

  1. First put the sugar, glucose, inulin and salt in a pan with half the champagne and half the orange juice. Heat the mixture gently until everything has dissolved. Try to use as little heat as possible.
  2. Weigh the locust bean gum and guar gum with a fine balance and stir in well (through a sieve if necessary).
  3. Now remove the pan from the heat and add the remaining champagne and orange juice and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Leave the ice cream mixture to cool slightly in the fridge.
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Freezing process

Now you can use the ice cream machine and, depending on the model, leave to cool for a few minutes. Switch on the mixer and pour in the sorbet mixture (takes approx. 30 minutes).

Alternatively in Freezer freeze and mix every 30 minutes with a hand mixer (e.g. Bosch MFQ2210P hand mixer from € 44.52 )* mix well (total time about 4 hours). The ice cream will not be as fine in this production as in an ice cream machine.

If the ice cream has been in the freezer for a while or your freezer is particularly cold, simply let it thaw in the fridge for about 20 minutes before eating.

Tips and tricks for champagne sorbet

  • Instead of champagne or cava, you can also dry sparkling wine can be used. If you want to find out more about the differences, take a look at this Overview an.
  • The Orange juice should best Freshly pressed will be.
  • The recipe is also suitable for the Leftover recycling. Already Open champagne or sparkling winewhich has become a little stale, is suitable without any problems.
  • Serving suggestionPrepare the sorbet in elegant glasses or double-walled bowls so that it doesn't melt so quickly. Garnish it with Mint leaves, pomegranate seeds or berries. If you like, you can also pour a small sip of champagne into the glass.


  1. The recipe looks great and I was just about to make it, I'm in the kitchen and I don't know how much water to use 😉

    1. Hello Rob,

      Thank you for the tip! 🙂 In the end, I decided on my recipe version without water because I liked it better. I then forgot to adjust the description. It has been corrected.

      Kind regards

  2. Hello 😊, I made this sorbet the day before yesterday. It tasted absolutely delicious, but unfortunately it remained extremely soft. I made it in an ice cream machine with a compressor and then chilled it in the freezer for 20 hours. I weighed the ingredients very carefully. What might I need to change to make the sorbet a little firmer?
    Many greetings

    1. Hello Dagmar,

      Thank you for the feedback. I'm glad it tasted good. 😀

      There may be various reasons why it has remained very soft. It is most likely that the glucose is different from the one I am using. Does your dry glucose have a value of DE35-40? Here are the ingredients I use.

      Sometimes dextrose and glucose are used interchangeably and are not well labeled by retailers. If you have dextrose instead of dry glucose or a higher DE value, this would be too much freeze inhibition and the ice cream would be soft. So now it depends. If you are sure that your dry glucose is the right one, then reduce the sugar. If you are unsure about the dry glucose, reduce the amount of this ingredient.

      You could also try reducing the amount of champagne to reduce the freeze inhibition caused by the alcohol. Unfortunately, it's a bit difficult to identify the exact cause from a distance. But these are the things I would try.

      Best regards and feel free to contact me again if you have any further questions.

  3. Thanks for your info! 😍
    My dry glucose has a value of DE 39. As I don't want to reduce the amount of champagne 😊, I'll try the tip with the sugar. Otherwise it will remain more liquid, I'll just use different glasses. As I said, the taste is just great!
    Best regards and many thanks again!

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