Weigh out the dry ingredients and mix everything well. If any of the ingredients have become lumpy, pass them through a sieve. Use a fine scale for small quantities.
97 g dextrose, 74 g dry glucose, 50 g cane sugar, 23 g inulin, 1 g locust bean gum, 1 pinch of salt, 1 g guar gum
Pour the plant-based milk and plant-based cream into a pan and heat the mixture over a medium heat while stirring.
242 g plant milk, 242 g oat cream
Add the dry ingredients to the milk and cream mixture, stirring constantly.
Keep stirring the ice cream mixture for a few minutes until just before it boils. Turn off the hob and remove the pan from the heat.
Leave the ice cream mixture to cool in the fridge.
Peel the banana. The ends should be cut off generously and any fibers from the peel should be removed.
255 g bananas
Blend the banana with the lemon juice to a fine puree.
10 g lemon juice
Mix the banana puree thoroughly with the ice cream mixture. It is best to use a blender to make it nice and frothy.